Friday 7 March 2014

Afterdark Preview

Status: Tadi okay pastu down jap...

Lagu: You & Me dendangan Lifehouse

Alhamdulillah. Segala puji bagi Allah Pemilik Sekalian Alam. Selawat & salam kepada junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad s.a.w juga kepada ahli keluarga & sahabat baginda.

Hari ni... jap, aku post dalam english la.

Okay, today I managed to print (not launched YET) my first zine ever, Afterdark. It has 20 poems with several pictures in it. Technically it's all about poems for night time readings. Nothing really horrifying though. Just thoughts coming out from my mind; Hopes, dreams and some.. not really nightmares, just some stuffs. :p Nothing obscene, really!

No, it's not a young adult novel.

InsyaAllah more will be in print because I'm out of budget & only managed to print one copy So zine readers around KL, get a copy of this in events near you. Since this March indie/underground events will be quite a lot so this is your chance.

... and I really hoped that I can get myself enough funding to print more. I'm broke right now and certain amount of cash has been lost God knows where it went. If not it'll be sold on really limited amount of copies. *cries*

So anyway, this will cost around 5 ringgit (standard zine price as far as I observed). And next one, hopefully it'll be on horror genre. Stay tuned!

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